Gold Mine Claim Sold – “Mile 70”
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Unpatented Klamath River Gold Mine Claim SOLD
Mile 70 CAMC 0291812
Approximate length along river: 2/5ths of a mile
Starting Bid: $5,600
Average Sale Value Based
on Previous Auctions: $11,200
Buy Now Price: $8,400
Guaranteed Title or Your Money Back!
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with the “buy now” option by contacting Jason Inks. The “buy now” option will
not be available after auction bidding is opened.
Claim Map and Location Notice
The Mile 70 claim (on the Klamath River) is located approximately 35 miles downriver from Happy Camp. The upriver boundary is located near the Highway 96 mile marker 4.42. The downriver boundary is located downriver near mile marker 3.86 along Hwy 96. Please see the road map.
Reynolds Creek enters on the opposite side of the river about mid-way on this mining claim.
This is a really nice mining claim! Originally, it was part of Long Forgotten Gold. But based upon the input from interested people, Long Forgotten Gold has been amended into a group of adjoining, smaller (much less expensive) properties which take up the same length of river just up and downstream. Mile 70 is one of 6 small claims as a result. This breakdown can be seen on the overview map.
This claim has excellent access through the USFS Green Riffle River Access. That developed road access leads to a very large bar, the lower-end of which is the boundary of “Mile 70.” Green Riffle River Access provides fantastic camping and easy access to the river just at the upper-end of Mile 70!
There are also some fantastic camping opportunities on the far side of the river near Reynolds Creek! There is also some very nice road-side camping on the claim near mile marker 4.13.
There is also an old river access road which will help provide more accessibility to the river near the lower-end of the claim.
PROSPECTS: This is within a historically-rich section of the Klamath River. There were bench operations and hydraulic mines all along the river in the local area. Evidence of old bench work, including tail races and tailings piles, can be seen along the river near this claim.
There is exposed bedrock to be found along with in-place natural streambed that is being washed into the natural riffles within the river. Big natural bars and excellent river diversity create fantastic potential for high-banking, shallow dredging, sluicing and metal detecting. A very nice rapid and stream-bend area is going to make this a really good dredging and high-banking claim!
For anyone looking to extend the length of this claim, the adjoining claims located just up and down river (“Long Forgotten Gold,” “Grand Bar,” “Eagles Haven,” “Channel Gold” & “Otter Run”) are also being sold in this auction. Please see overview map.