Archive for the ‘Mining Properties Sold’ Category:

Placer Mining Claim Sold – “Deer Creek”

Placer Mining Claim Sold

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placer mining claim-sold deer-creek

Unpatented Oregon Gold Claim
Deer Creek ORMC 163024

Approximate Length Along Creek 1/2  Mile, Starting Bid: $4000.00

Average Sale Value Based
on Previous Auctions: $8000.00
Buy Now Price: $6000.00
Guaranteed Title or Your Money Back!

You may make an offer to purchase this claim before the start of the auction
with the “buy now” option by contacting Jason Inks. The “buy now” option will
be available after auction bidding is opened.

Claim Map and Location Notice
Please see the attached road map for the location and directions to this mining claim.

This is a very nice mining property for gold prospectors who prefer to work in or near easy, shallow water. It is an excellent property for 2-inch, 3-inch and 4-inch suction dredges, or portable high-banker-dredge combos. There is great access to the property from the road which follows along the creek.

While the images don’t show it very well because they were taken just after a snow storm, there is really nice camping area along the side of the road near the side road about mid-way on the claim (look for the yellow & black sign).

This place also has incredible views of steep mountain peaks, out in the middle of an old forest. It is a very nice place!
PROSPECTS: This mining property is located in a historically-rich section of Josephine County. Exposed bedrock can be seen all along the creek. Natural streambed material is visible on top of bedrock, eroding off into the creek! This means that reaching the gold deposits will not require digging or dredging very far.

Besides what serious miners could do with this claim, this is a very nice quiet and somewhat secluded location where a person could just relax, or beginners could get started in a mining environment that is not too difficult.