Archive for the ‘Mining Properties Sold’ Category:

Gold Mining Claim Sold – “First Bar”

Gold Mining Claim Sold

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Besides what serious miners could do with this claim, this is a very nice quiet and somewhat secluded location where beginners could get started in a mining environment that is not too difficult.

Unpatented Salmon River Gold Claim  SOLD
First Bar CAMC 0280891
For Sale at Auction, 0.7 Miles, Starting Bid: $10,000.00
Average Sale Value Based
on Previous Auctions: $19,600.00


Buy Now Price: $14,700.00
Guaranteed Title or Your Money Back!

Claim Map and Location Notice

The First Bar claim is located on the Main Stem Salmon River just downriver of the Forks of the Salmon. The downriver boundary is located approximately 100 feet upriver from Dead Mule Gulch. Look for a green and red blaze on a tree on the river-side of the Salmon River Road just below an old concrete bunker. The upriver boundary is located 7/10 of a mile upriver of the lower boundary (see map).  A good access road is located immediately downriver of the school directly across from the Forks of the Salmon Community Center. There is excellent camping and RV parking available on this claim! Long sandy beach areas make for good swimming and picnicking. Some amenities, such as a small store, propane and fuel, may be found in the Forks Community.

Prospects: This claim is located in a rich old hydraulic mining area; one of the historically richest sections of Siskiyou County. The cobbles and tailings piles can be seen everywhere. Extensive bench work was done in this area, yet quite a bit of ancient streambed is still in place on this claim. In many places, these old streambed layers are sitting right on bedrock. The highbanking prospects look fabulous. The incredible rich mining history of this river, along with shallow crystal clear water, create outstanding conditions for suction dredging. Metal detecting in the old workings, along the bedrock and around the tailings piles should prove very fruitful, as well. Exposed virgin streambed in this historically rich area make this one of the best highbanking prospects available in modern times.