Gold Property Sold – “Klamath Mineral Reserve”
Gold Property Sold
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Unpatented Klamath River Gold Claim SOLD
Klamath Mineral Reserve CAMC 0287914
Approximate Length Along River 6/10th of a Mile, Starting Bid: $8,400.00
Average Sale Value Based
on Previous Auctions: $16,800.00
Buy Now Price: $12,600.00
Guaranteed Title or Your Money Back!
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with the “buy now” option by contacting Jason Inks. The “buy now” option will
not be available after auction bidding is opened.
Claim Map and Location Notice
The Klamath Mineral Reserve claim (on the Klamath River) is located about 30 miles downriver from Happy Camp. The upriver boundary is located near the Highway 96 mile marker 11.49. Look for a red blaze on a tree there and a Siskiyou County mile marker SIS 50. The downriver boundary is located about 1/2 mile down river from SIS 50. Look for mile marker 10.88 (see map).
This is a very beautiful claim! Originally, it was around 2 miles long. But based upon the input from interested people, Klamath Mineral Reserve has been amended into a smaller (less expensive) property, and 3 other, shorter claims were created to take up the length of river just downstream. This breakdown can be seen on the overview map.
There is access by following a foot trail at the USFS Rock Creek River Access, which also looks like it will accommodate ATV’s. The trail leads to a large gravel bar along the river; a great place for tent camping. A wonderful beach is there alongside the river which will provide many hours of relaxation and swimming fun for the whole family.
RV camping can also be done in road-side pull-offs alongside Highway 96 near the trail head.
Access to the claim is fantastic from the gravel bar. From that vantage point, it is easy to see that the surface streambed deposits appear to be entirely virgin of any previous mining activity. This is a high-bankers’ paradise! There are stream-bends and rapids, which provide the type of diversity that should produce rich high-grade gold deposits for suction dredgers. Old hydraulic tailing cuts are visible up the mountainside. Those prove that the Old-timers did well in the immediate area.
PROSPECTS: This is in an historically-rich section of the Klamath River. There were bench operations and hydraulic mines all along the river in the local area. Evidence of old bench work including, tail races and tailings piles, can be seen on or near this claim.
There is exposed bedrock to be found along with in-place bench material that is being washed into the natural riffles within the river. This claim has lots of potential for highbanking, shallow dredging, sluicing and metal detecting.
For anyone looking to extend the length of this claim, the adjoining claims located just down river (“Eyese Top,” “Eyese Bar” & “Lost Gold Bar”) are also being sold in this auction. Please see overview map.